Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday afternoon

Today is Sunday, January 11th. This is my first ever blog entry. I'm not really sure what I want to write about, or to whom it will matter if I do. But I have a lot of thoughts floating around in my head and I want to write them down. So, I'll just start and see where this takes me...

I started another blog page last week. I got the title, "Kate's Musings," and the content outline. It is to be a blog about instructional design - my chosen field, which I've yet to work in. I figured that I could use it to collect information and ideas that I wanted to keep and network with others in the field through the blog. It is all good in theory, but after spending, oh, I don't know... ath least one hour setting it up and getting the right fonts, pictures etc., that's all I have done - there is no blog. I don't know why but I could not think of anything to say. If you know me, you are thinking about how crazy that sounds - I'm never at a loss for words, or so I'm told. I haven't been back on that blog site since. So, you can see that I am ahead on this one. I'm writing about the blog that I'm not blogging on.

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