Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 1 - 30-Day Challenge

This may be a little trickier than I thought.  I started my 30-Day Challenge today - no sugar and no white flour.  I'm also adding exercise, healthy whole foods and smaller portions to the mix.  Sounds simple enough, no?  No! 

I had my egg whites and my 100% whole wheat bread for breakfast and everthing was cool.  I was all, I can do this!!  But while I was eating my black-eyed pea soup for lunch and purusing the ingredients list on the bag, I discovered to my dismay that sugar is one of those ingredients.  Drats!  So, it appears if I am to avoid sugar in its unnatural form completely, I have to find bread that has no sugar or forgo bread completely.  A well intentioned friend at work mentioned Ezekiel Bread that is sold in the health food section of some supermarkets.  I have seen and tasted this bread and while it is not terrible, it will be a cold day in hell when I spend $5 on a loaf of bread. Not gonna do it...wouldn't be prudent, ha!  What to do, what to do...

I didn't exactly exercise, but I did work in the garden for an hour. Dinner was lefovers from the semi-lowfat eggplant parmesan that I made yesterday.   Feeling ecstatic that I didn't have to cook, I sat down to my meal.  Only that's when I realized that the breadcrumbs I used for the eggplant are made with white bread that more than likely has sugar as well.  Hrmph!  And yes, I ate it anyway...but I didn't enjoy it quite as much...

I may have to tweak this thing a bit.  I don't eat that much bread anyway so if I do have some here and there, is that cheating on my 30-day challenge? I don't know.  In the words of Scarlett O'Hara, I think about that tomorrow.


Lemon Gloria said...

I don't think having some here and there is cheating. Also, I bet you'll feel a ton better even just cutting out the obvious sugars. I've done that before and it's so incredibly hard. I felt so good I was all, oh, I'm going to live this way! Which only lasted a few weeks...

Kate said...

Lisa, I found this week that is is very difficult and almost impossible to avoid sugar completely. So I'm modifying a bit and going with the whole wheat bread if I want bread - the sugar is very low. The white flour is much easier to avoid, only I have knowingly cheated on that a few times. This might turn in to the 10 day challenge: )