Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 6 - 30-Day Challenge

I'm on day 6 of the "30-Day Challenge," which I'm thinking of changing to the 10-Day Challenge or better yet, the 6-Day Challenge.  Because I'm a whimp.

Really, the problem is that while I have done very well on the sugar - I've only had a few pieces of 100% whole wheat bread with trace amounts of sugar it it; and not terribly bad on the white flour, I went quite a bit off course yesterday.  Our were nephews visiting from up North so we ordered a variety of Thai food to share.  I had the brown rice - good choice...but also the noodles - white flour.  I also bought a sugar free pie and sugar free ice cream for dessert and of course the pie was made with white flour.  But it was a special occasion you see...

On the exercise front - not so good...only twice in the past 6 days.  I have to work on that. 

I suppose I need to rethink my desired outcomes for this challenge.  I want to be healthy, stabilize my blood sugar and get rid of those pesky sugar cravings, but I also want to lose weight.  It always comes back to the old, "calories in - calories out" mantra.  So, barring the occasional sugar free dessert or Thai dish, it is important to remember that these digressions must be VERY infrequent and in very small amounts. 

On a side note; I read this week about how Bill Clinton, after the last time he had a stent put in his heart, changed to a primarily plant-based diet with no dairy and very infrequent servings of fish.  He lost weight and said that his body has been repairing itself.  That really appeals to my inner vegetarian which has lurked beneath the surface of my life since I was very young.  I've toyed with it on and off.  In fact, last summer, Tim and I ate no meat at all for 3 months...a little expirement.  We did eat dairy but relied mostly on whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit.  And it was great - we felt good and liked the food.  Although we're not huge meat-eaters, we did end up gravitating back to meat.  I think about that alot, but it takes a lot of effort to completely change your diet and way of living.  We talk about it now and then but with busy lives, never make a commitment.  We shall see.

Anyway, regarding my 30-Day Challenge; I'ma keep at it.

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