Monday, October 25, 2010

30-Day Challenge - Outcome

Tuesday, October 19th was the final day of my 30-Day Challenge.  My goal was no sugar and white flour for 30 days.  I did well with no sugar except for one small slip while on vacation.  I sincerely forgot and had an ice cream cone.  Yes, the ice cream had sugar and the cone did too.  Otherwise, no sugar at all. 

I didn't have much white flour but found that avoiding it all together was tricky.  So, I decided not to beat myself up about it.

On the up side, I did lose a total of 6 pounds and with very little exercise.  heh-heh, I think the exercise thing needs a 30-day challenge of its own. Anyway, it's a drop in the bucket so to speak, but still, 6 pounds just from the deletion of one food "staple" is significant. 

As a result of my Challenge, I don't seem to crave sugar with the same intensity.  I also feel better and have more energy.  That's a huge plus and probably my biggest goal of the Challenge.

My intention now is to limit sugar to special occasions.  These do not include end of the work day, weekends and pity parties.  I'm talking about birthdays, holidays, vacation and the like. 

In the end, it's all about choices and choosing the healthy ones.  I like that.

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