Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today is day 24 of the 30-day challenge - no sugar, no white flour, exercise and smaller portions. 

Okay, here's the deal.....I have not been faithful to the no white flour, exercise 4 times per week and posting bi-weekly. I have been somewhat faithful to the smaller portions.  But the good news is that I have managed to abstain from sugar and for that I am grateful.  Baby steps...

I have lost 5 pounds and gained one back, meaning....I really lost 4 pounds.  My only excuse is that this week we are on vacation and not eating totally as we would if it were another week:  )  However, there has been more exercise this week what with beach walking, town walking and dunes climbing.  I attribute this as the reason I only gained one pound back of the 5 lost. 

I guess I'm looking at it from the perspective of making small consistent improvements. That, and the benefits wrought so far;  I have reduced my sugar cravings considerably.  I am much more conscious of the food choices that I make.  I actually feel much better without the sugar. 

I am limiting white flour but find that sometimes, especially away from home, white flour is hard to avoid.  I have had it sparingly. I have had sugar free ice cream and sugar free cookies.  I am rethinking that stuff because it is still high in calorie and perpetrates the desire for sweets (although not nearly as bad as sugar does).  Plus, I don't think the artificial sweetners are all that great for you. 

Anyway, it's a start.  I am looking forward to my next challenge......meat and dairy free.  Seriously.

1 comment:

Lemon Gloria said...

I think this is something to be very proud of. I also avoid the fake sweeteners - I just think they're weird and can't be good for you.